Cal of Duty Black Ops 6: OBLIN MK 2 Assault Rifle October 18, 2024Jack Whotton Cal of Duty Black Ops 6: OBLIN MK 2 MAGS: 4 MAG SIZE: 20 Available: Unlocked at Player Level 46 Semi-auto assault rifle. The Goblin Mk2 excels at short to...
Call of Duty Black Ops 6: MODEL L Assault Rifle October 18, 2024Jack Whotton Call of Duty Black Ops 6: MODEL L Assault Rifle MAGS: 3 MAG SIZE: 30 Available: Unlocked at Player Level 40 Full-auto assault rifle. Slow-firing and controllable with respectable damage,...
Call of Duty Black Ops 6: GPR 91 Assault Rifle October 18, 2024Jack Whotton Call of Duty Black Ops 6: GPR 91 Assault Rifle MAGS: 3 MAG SIZE: 30 Available: Unlocked at Player Level 28 Full-auto assault rifle. What this rifle lacks in raw...
Call of Duty Black Ops 6: AMES 85 Assault Rifle October 18, 2024Jack Whotton AMES 85 MAGS: 3 MAG SIZE: 30 Available: Unlocked at Player Level 19 Full-auto assault rifle. Impressive accuracy and a suitable rate of fire make this an excellent weapon for...
Call of Duty Black Ops 6: AK-74 Assault Rifle October 18, 2024Jack Whotton Call of Duty Black Ops 6: AK-74 MAGS: 3 MAG SIZE: 30 Available: Unlocked at Player Level 10 Full-auto assault rifle. Imposing firepower with high damage at mid-to-long range balanced...
Call of Duty Black Ops 6: XM4 Assault Rifle October 18, 2024Jack Whotton Call of Duty Black Ops 6: XM4 Assault Rifle MAGS: 3 MAG SIZE: 30 Available: Unlocked Immediately Full-auto assault rifle. A well-rounded weapon with average accuracy, mobility, and power among its...
Two Classic Wonder Weapons Returning in Black Ops 6 Zombies map Liberty Falls October 17, 2024Jack Whotton Two classic Call of Duty: Zombie Wonder Weapons are returning with the upcoming Black Ops 6 Zombies map Liberty Falls, releasing on October 25. Both of these Wonder Weapons have...
How to UNLOCK Every Operator in Black Ops 6 (Crimson One and Rogue Black Ops) October 17, 2024Jack Whotton Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will launch on October 25 and it will include 22 Operators for players to unlock, this is a guide on how to unlock every...
First Look at the Black Ops 6 Zombies Loadout menu. October 17, 2024Jack Whotton First Look at the Black Ops 6 Zombies Loadout menu. W or L?
The 8 Perk-a-Colas available at launch in Black Ops 6 Zombies: October 17, 2024Jack Whotton The 8 Perk-a-Colas available at launch in Black Ops 6 Zombies: Jugger-Nog Quick Revive Speed Cola Stamin-Up PhD Flopper Deadshot Daiquiri Elemental Pop Melee Macchiato
#BlackOps6 Zombies October 17, 2024Jack Whotton #BlackOps6 Zombies will have 108 Augment Upgrades to Perk a Colas, Ammo Mods, & Field Upgrades Each item will have 3 Major Augments & 3 Minor Augments completely changing...
Augments are unlockable Black Ops 6 Zombies October 17, 2024Jack Whotton Recap: Augments are unlockable gameplay advantages you can apply to every Perk-a-Cola, Ammo Mod, and Field Upgrade in the game, and provide a rich and innovative customization experience, allowing you...